Friday, May 29, 2009

Prepare: Game Face

Last night we had our last training before the next bout - we did some clockwise warm up excercises (in slow motion as our floor was very slippery), some footwork excercises, and then, the skates came off for scrimmaging.

It was the most hilarious excercise we've ever done! Unfortunately I went down in the first scrimmage onto my sprained wrist, but it was the funniest session I've ever seen. Scrimmaging with skates on is a lot easier, but I think we all learnt a lot about player capabilities, and how important basic skating skills are in a scrimmage.

I'm trying to keep my mind busy for the next two days, so that I don't think about the bout too much. I've only played one jam in a public bout before (I managed not to fall over, which was about all I could think of at the time). I'm not terrified at this point, but I'm a little worried that come tomorrow night, I won't sleep a wink. Fortunately I've got plenty to do (Rebelicious! is taking me to see her mum perform in a musical tonight, work and Stas's birthday tomorrow evening) but in the moments between, I'm getting a few butterflies in my tummy.

So, let's just hope I don't injure myself too badly on Sunday, and that the Salty Dolls prevail over the Road Train Rollers!


The Long Island Roller Rebels said...

Hey Ivanna! Just remember, we all get nervous before bouts, so you're not the only one with butterflies! Good luck and kick some butt!!

RedDiabla said...

So, nu?

How'd it go?!