Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back so soon...

I managed to forget my password for blogger, almost immediately after completing that last post. At least I've now managed to 'remember' it (find the piece of paper that I happened to scrawl it on).

League training is starting up again tomorrow night, and I have to admit, I'm feeling a little apprehensive.

Fortunately, it's just because I happen to have seen the training schedule, and I know we're going to get a work out like never before. My poor thighs and booty are not looking forward to it!

We should have an additional 40 ladies joining us tomorrow night; the result of Fresh Meat 3. It was the longest Fresh Meat intake that the league has run, and far and away the most successful. We had such an unexpected response that our local skate store ran out of beginner skates, and some of the girls had to continue using hire skates for the basic skating skills weeks, until new stock was available.

Barrelhouse Bessy has managed to wrangle us the entire court for training every Monday, instead of the half court we normally use (so, two full size basketball courts instead of one).

The position of ref captain has been split to co-captain roles - my own personal zebra, Peter Pain, and the lovely Kia Kaha will be running the ref team.

We will be having Cheapskate of Gotham Girls, and Smarty Pants of TXRD come and train us for the entire month of February.

At the end of February, Cheapskate and Smarty Pants will help to split us into three teams - the current teams being the Mile Die Club, and the Salty Dolls, and our newest team, the Road Train Rollers.

Tonight, Peter and I are going for one last skate with Rebelicious before training resumes at our outdoor skate spot - a park with at least 20 netball courts. I can't wait to skate inside again!

2009 is going to be awesome.


Anonymous said...

A hint not passwords. Create a long word that you can remember. Examples. ayoyahahah :-)
And then add some more letters. For "blogger" use "bl", so your new pass would be "ayoyahahahbl". For use "gm", etc :-) At the end end some numbers, like 86, 79...
All the passwords will be unique for every site and you will never forget them.

The Long Island Roller Rebels said...

We start training again on January 6th. You and I can both talk about our burning thighs this week! Thanks for following The Roller Rebels blog! xo Etta

Ivanna Shoverova said...

Thanks Aussie, I hadn't thought of that - it's make remembering them a cinch (I have about 5 on the go, and they're all completely random!)

I'll keep an eye out for you Etta!