Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday night meltdown

Well, Barrelhouse Bessy and Violent Krumble just kicked our asses into next week. We had a two hour session devoted to endurance skating, and boy, am I going to be feeling it tomorrow!

We had our little warm up skate, and moved on to the 'I have never' game. Ever time someone says they have never done something that you have done, you have to skate a lap around the group. The questions were more tame this time, so I didn't spend the entire drill sitting down like I did last time!

From there, we did the an agility drill, the pyramid drill (to 7 laps and back), pulling and pushing (I never though I would feel so good pulling three girls behind me on skates), and then 1 minute and 5 minute time trials. I stopped a few laps into the 5 minute time trial as I'd snapped the stay of my velcro strap at the start of the night, and the gaffer tape had loosened off enough to making skating uncomfortable.

It was an awesome night, the drills worked fantastically (making the new girls more aware of their position on the track and other peoples'), and having the whole court to ourselves really made a difference.

Tomorrow, provided I can walk, stumble, or even move, I think I'm going to take Sasha for a jog around the block - I forgot how good excercise feels, and only two hours twice a week won't make enough of a difference for me right now.


The Long Island Roller Rebels said...

Sounds like you had fun! Practice starts again tonight for me. I'll be in touch with a thigh update ha ha! Thank you SO much for the questions. It was a great help to get those. Keep them coming.

Ivanna Shoverova said...

Thanks Etta - my thighs aren't very happy with me at the moment, and I have a weird front ankle pain, but trainings are awesome!